What is the harsh truth of life.?

 Truth hurts. Your life is what you make out of it. You have to take the charge of your life.💜

No one is going to fix you. If you're waiting for someone to heal your broken heart, you'll be waiting forever. The only person who is going to help you is yourself. Be happy for the other person in your life but don't become dependent.

Life will never be perfect. If you're awaiting for the “right” time to persuade your dreams you're going to wait forever. There is no right time, you have to make the time right.

You might fail(a lot). If you attempt to achieve something big, chances are you're going to fail. That doesn't mean you should quit or it's not meant for you; you just need to improvise your plans and watch success coming your way.

The past is already written. You can't change what's already done. This is “life”, this is being “human”. You commit mistake, everyone does, you learn from it rather than fretting over it. Because it can't be undone. You've to accept it.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Want to try something new? Do it now. Want to say sorry? Say it now. Want to confess your feelings for your crush? Confess is not now. Tomorrow might not come. Tomorrow it can be late. Why take the risk?

Just because you're “busy” doesn't mean you're accomplishing something. Being busy doesn't guarantee you're doing something meaningful; it probably just means you're doing lot of things badly.


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