What 10 things I can do now to improve my life and have a better Future?

 1- Develop a consistent Morning and Bedtime Routine, believe me this will give you next level of productivity and satisfaction in life.

2- Deactivate your all social media accounts if you use them only for fun by mindless scrolling and Conquer your Fear of missing out. I've deactivated my all social media accounts on 25 May 2020 and activated them after 1 year of long break , i can't describe how this social media detoxification helped me mentally.

3- Stop watching News Channels no matter what, News is to the mind what sugar is to the body.

4- Start Lifting Weights and meditation, never ignore your health.

5- Start Reading books and Listening Intellectuals Podcast.

6- Start Investing as early as possible.

7- Master Discipline because Only the disciplined ones are free in life. If you aren't disciplined, you are a slave to your moods and your Dopamine rush.

8- Don't look for perfectionism in your life , this will only lead to self abuse and demotivation.

9- Start daily journaling and have a to do list .

10-Nobody cares about what you could do.They care about your results so stop bragging and start showing.


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